26 janúar 2010

Athugið / Attention

Reykvíkingar af erlendum uppruna hafa beðið mig um að þýða mín helstu stefnumál yfir á ensku/International residents have been asking me about my policies in english - here they are:

I have been on the city council for one term. My areas of focus are education, leisure activities, culture and employment issues. I lead the city´s committee on employment where we have already begun a number of projects aimed at opposing the negative effects of unemployment that the citizens of Reykjavík are now facing.

The city of Reykjavík has an important role to play in developing a democratic and humane society in Iceland. Reykjavík has major social responsibilities in the area of employment issues, leading the way in education and tourism, and ensuring excellence in education and leisure. Leading the way in the areas of employment, education, leisure activities and tourism are the city’s future. No child or young person should suffer because of the deficiencies of the past decades´ laissez-faire policies. Equal opportunities for all children, regardless of origin or economic status should be Reykjavik’s legacy. The well-being of all of the city’s residents should be a priority when deciding how to allocate assets.

We must continue to build up services in all of the city’s neighbourhoods and to reverse the centralization that has characterized the current government. The goal of The Social Democrats/Samfylking is to win the elections and to lead the city government in the coming years. Our leadership will ensure responsible handling of finances, understanding the needs of families and quality service for Reykjavik’s residents.

I am 33 years old and have two children, four and six years old. I have worked in music, teaching and as an author. During the past four years I have chaired the Social Democrats in the city council, been chairperson of the party´s city council in Reykjavík and I was one of the founding members of The Pioneers/Landnema, an association of social democrats interested in immigration issues and diverse cultures.

I am on the board of Hamrahlíð College and the research committee for schools without discrimination, the University Idea House and the association “Children’s Rights”.

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